You are invited to enter a Social Round Robin Mixed Doubles Tournament. It will be played over a period of time at your convenience.
You will have a different partner to play with against a different pair for every match. Partners and opponents will be randomly selected before the tournament begins. Match draws will be emailed or sent via WhatsApp before. All levels of play are welcome to take part. Numbers will be limited and we hope to have even numbers of ladies and men.
1. One man and one lady in each pairing
2. Two sets to be played in each match. Whichever pair wins six games in a set first wins the set.
3. Scoring- one point for each of a pair will be awarded for each game won.
4. It will be the responsibility of each four to organise their matches. One person from each four will be nominated to do this.
5. The nominated person will be asked to send results to me.
6. All matches to be completed by the end of March 2023.